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Use this analysis of real-life safety training data from the Harvust platform to see what is being used by growers like you and improve your farm's safety training program.
Are you making any of these mistakes when you do an I-9? Check out this short list and learn from others' mistakes.
View and print our free safety training for farms and ag employees, useful for safety meetings and farmworker orientations.
With extreme heat waves becoming more frequent, night work will become more common in regions where it wasn't before. This brings new risks to your labor force. View and print our free safety training for farms and ag employees, useful for safety meetings and farmworker orientations.
Download our free farm employee vehicle policy template and learn what makes it effective at protecting your company.
View my presentation to Washington Farm Bureau members on the L&I wildfire smoke rule, the insanity of air quality data, the challenges, and the opportunites for compliance.
H-2A employers are undergoing significant changes with the introduction of the new H-2A Farmworker Protection Rule by the U.S. Department of Labor. Continue reading to learn the key aspects of the new H-2A rule and how Harvust can streamline compliance, enhance worker satisfaction, and ultimately benefit farm operations.
Safety meeting handouts are boring, and old. Creating your own takes too much time. Harvust's new dynamic automated safety meetings use real life data from your farm to create engaging and relevant safety meetings. All in just a few clicks.
Download our free Drug, Alcohol, & Violence Policy template, learn what makes an effective policy, and a few tips on how to implement it.